“Sticks and Stones”
Airspace projects. Sydney. AU. 2022.
The chill that reverberated. An uncanny awareness resisting rational explanation The broken surface revealing an intangible psychological mythscape. Leaning into tricky to reconcile moments. Memories from a story of place.
‘Sticks and Stones’ is an exploration of subtle feelings in natural places.
An atmosphere for pondering the ethereal and intangible. A casting of an unseen world.
In situ impressions of found organic objects cast into bronze, porcelain, stoneware and plaster are combined with found plastics and flood pollution. The resulting assemblages act as the subjects of difficult to describe experiences; of memories made just beyond the stability of a rational view.
The exhibition is part of an interdisciplinary practice musing on the discordant knowledge presented by Natural Science, myth and phenomena. It is Inspired by ideas of participation and agency present in Assemblage Theory, New Materialism, and Dark Ecology, as they intersect with animistic inklings from across the ages. The ongoing body of work seeks to create an opportunity to consider the ethereal, the intangible and unexplainable experiences.

Stoneware, found plastic.

Bronze, ceramic, oil, timber, acrylic, resin, found plastic

Plaster, acrylic, canvas, found plastic.

Porcelain, natural fiber, found plastic.

Bronze, timber, acrylic, resin, found plastic.

Plaster, resin, found plastic.

Plaster, found plastic